The Flicks and Friends Podcast
The Flicks and Friends Podcast is a variety movie podcast where Dustin and Paul watch and rate movies based on a 1-5 scale. Sometimes we are funny....but most of the times....we are not.
Podcasting since 2022 • 144 episodes
The Flicks and Friends Podcast
Latest Episodes
The Guyver feat. feat Serj of Lethean
With Dustin using his VETO, Ghostbusters 2 lives to see another day....but in it's place enters, THE GUYVER! We had good friend of the show Serj jump on to talk all things Guyver and it's safe to announce, it is a crowd favorite!
Season 6
Episode 7

The Fly (1986) feat. Movie Dumpster
F is for The Fly! This week we talk about THE body horror movie of body horror movie with the best in the biz! We have Joe and Sean from Movie Dumpster joining us and Brundle up to talk about this 1986 classic!
Season 6
Episode 6

Evil Dead (2013) feat. House of Ghouls Podcast
E is for Evil Dead (2013)! We were joined by Colby Does Horror and Ian Van Ghoul to talk about this Fede Alverez master class on a retelling of a great movie. The deadites were summoned and we didn't stand a chance!
Season 6
Episode 5

Dog Soldiers feat. The Barrens Hideout Podcast
D is for Dog Soldiers! We were joined by Dustin from The Barrens Hideout Podcast to talk about this 2002, Neil Marshal werewolf CLASSIC! Where does it land on your wolf list? Listen to find out where it lands on ours!
Season 6
Episode 4

Cool Runnings feat. Josh of The Evil Deaths
C is for Cool Runnings! This week we head to the Winter Olympics with the first ever Jamaican Bobsled Team! We we joined by Josh of The Evil Deaths to FEEL THE RYTHYM and FEEL THE RHYME! What are your thoughts on this 1993 Disney sports classic...
Season 6
Episode 3